Christianity- Dying to your flesh everyday and taking up your cross. What does this mean? It means we have to come to a place in our lives where we see the beauty in the fact that nothing our minds can think of will ever be as astounding as the plan God has for our lives. This isn’t a simple one-time action. This is a repetitive action that MUST take place each and every day, multiple times throughout the day. Over the past 2 weeks of being in Africa, God has laid the phrase “die to your flesh” on my heart every morning. I knew what that meant, so I thought.. Within the first two days here in Nsoko, I was already annoyed with some of my teammates. The teammates I would be spending every waking second with for almost 100 days. Needless to say I had to pray about it because I was setting myself up for failure and a torturous 3 months. Once I prayed for a change of heart, I saw those teammates as children of God. Slowly I started to realize that my flesh fails me constantly. It is only through the Holy Spirit living inside of me that can trump my flesh so I can walk in Gods will for my life! I can’t just pray once for God to give me His eyes to see His people. I have to pray that every day, numerous times throughout. It’s a beautiful thing to view the world with Gods eyes instead of your own. You don’t see selfishness, pride, annoyances, aggravations as the world sees. Instead you see children of God who are desiring a more intimate relationship with The Father, people who are struggling with addictions and don’t know who to turn to, people who are looking in all the wrong ways to fix the void that Jesus wants to fill. Instead of getting annoyed with these people you learn to love, have mercy, give grace, and reach out to these people. I want everyone to crave a lifestyle of dying to their flesh and searching for ways to live a Holy Spirit filled life until the day you are united with Abba in Heaven. It’s incredible what God has graciously shown me in only 2 weeks, I cannot wait to see what all He unveils to me over the next few months!