
Break My Heart.

Break My Heart

The song “Hosanna” sung by Hillsong has been a great song for me this trip. In one of the refrains it says “break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdoms comes, as long as I walk from earth to eternity”. Being here in Nsoko, is breaking my heart. Playing with all these kids, and building relationships with people here, has had a huge impact on my heart, especially this week. At the beginning of the week, I met a little girl named Nopinimiso. When I held her, she was burning hot, so I took her to the clinic. She ended up having bronchitis and the doctor gave her medicine for her Gogo to give her. By the end of the week, she felt so much better! I held this little girl in my arms today and she fell asleep as I rocked back and forth on the swing. I loved it so much. This little girl broke my heart and made me love her so much more! Just holding her made me realize that this is God’s daughter, and his heart breaks for her as well. Not just for Nopinimiso, but for all these people in Nsoko. I have learned so much more about God’s heart and what breaks His heart this week. I have certainly had my heart broken. As I held this girl today, it didn’t only break my heart and realize how much God loves these people and that they break His heart, but also realizing that this moment will only happen once and will never happen again. I will never hold this little girl in my arms again, so I need to enjoy each moment God has given me here and not wish time away because I will never be here in this time again and probably not seeing these precious children again. I have grown to love these children in Nsoko, no matter how crazy that they can get!

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